Efrat Weidberg

case study

Gatorade Gx Sweat Patch

Experience and Product Design


Smart Design


Design Lead

I have omitted and obfuscated confidential information in this case study. The information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of Smart Design or Gatorade.


This digital ecosystem combines wearable technology that captures an athlete’s sweat rate and electrolyte concentration directly from the skin with a smartphone app that processes the data using machine learning.


My role

Design Leadership, Oversight & Coordination

Hands-on design lead for all aspect of the Team Sweat Patch App , including planning, research, interaction and visual design, testing, dev handoff , QA and communication design. Led other designers at to further push the work.

User Insights & Ideation

Uncover insights and translate user needs into features that address customer behaviors and motivations, while balancing business needs and technical constraints.

Prototype Development & Design Research

Multiple rounds of research from early concept assessments to usability testing.

Design Execution & Development Support

Design all screens and states; Batch Hand-off to the development team.

The problem

The amount of sweat/sodium lost can vary up to 15 times between seemingly similar individuals, meaning that different athletes require different amounts of hydration to keep their high performance and prevent injury. Gatorade sports science institute has been performing scientifically-based Sweat Testing to determine athletes' specific hydration needs. Sweat testing is done using special equipment and qualified professionals. It required athlete fluid intake and weight measuring and a lab environment to process results. This is a complecated, lenghy and expensive process meaning that not all athletes can get tested.

The Vision

Turning this resource-intensive process into a wearable device that is fast, simple, and accessible to everyone.


The Patch

Single use patch worn on the inner forearm that measures sweat rate and sodium composition. The companion mobile app utilizes image processing to read patch and deliver sweat rate, sodium composition, and personalized sports fuel recommendations


The Gx Team Sweat Test App

The first version of the Sweat Test App was optimized for proffesional team sweat patch testing to be conducted by a coatch or an athletic trainer.


MVP Definition & App Flow


Login and Team Data


User Education


Test Conditions


Test in Progress


Test Results


Research Highlights


Hi-fedelity Prototypes, Micro Interactions & Transitions

Hand-off & Documantation
